Mega atualização Flybywire para o A320neo do Microsoft Flight Simulator
Com certeza você simulador/jogador de Flight Simulator já conhece ou pelo menos já ouviu falar do famoso Flybywire A32nx. O melhor mod para o A320neo feito pela equipe da Flybywire.
Pra quem ainda não conhece, o A32nx ou Flybywire A32nx, é um mod que adiciona várias funcionalidades novas na aeronava A320 neo do Microsoft Flight Simulator. A versão padrão do A320 neo do MSFS é muito básica, vários botões, funções não são funcionais, assim como outras varias coisas que não são nem um pouco parecidas com a aeronave real, como sons, iluminação e muito mais. Além claro, de vários bugs que o A320 neo padrão do Flight Simulator possui. O A32nx além de corrigir tudo isso, coloca muito mais funcionalidades na aeronave, para cada vez que você for simular, estar o mais próximo possível da aeronave real da Airbus.
Pois então, a cada atualização feita pela Microsoft, mais bugs aparecem (acho incrível isso) e toda vez, a Flybywire tem que trabalhar muito acima do mod para deixá-lo funcional novamente. Porém, hoje saiu uma mega atualização do mod da Flybywire, a versão 0.5.0, que além das funções que já vinham nas versões anteriores, foi adicionado várias outras muito importantes que você verá logo abaixo.
Flybywire A32nx 0.5.0
“Ei pessoal! Temos o prazer de anunciar o aguardado lançamento estável 0.5.0 do FlyByWire A32NX, apresentando novos recursos importantes, como integração com o Simbrief, ATSU e um novo menu de opções, um modelo de voo reformulado, sons internos e externos revisados, iluminação aprimorada e muito mais! Sabemos que todos estavam ansiosos por novos recursos, como sistemas elétricos e hidráulicos e nosso novo sistema fly-by-wire personalizado, mas, infelizmente, encontramos alguns problemas com o SDK e estamos aguardando o MS / Asobo para resolvê-los antes de poder-mos incluí-los em uma versão estável.” – Equipe Flybywire.
Registro de alterações (em inglês)¹
- [FLIGHTMODEL] Reworked AOA table – @donstim – (donbikes#4084)
- [FLIGHTMODEL] Reworked flaps – @donstim – (donbikes#4084)
- [FLIGHTMODEL] Reworked drag/thrust ratio – @donstim – (donbikes#4084)
- [ENGINE] Adjusted N1% thrust table – @MisterChocker – (Leon)
- [PFD] Added independent calculations for GD, Vls, Vaprot, Vamax, Vs – @MisterChocker – (Leon)
- [PFD] Fixed V1 not disappear after liftoff – @MisterChocker – (Leon)
- [CDU] Added Performance Page CI functionality – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Added Progress Page CRZ FL functionality and logic – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Added Init B page only available until engine start – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Added mcdu page id system – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Added Progress Page REC MAX FL functionality and dummy OPT – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] Added proper altitude constrain visuals – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [COLORS] Improved MCDU/PFD/ND/ECAM colors – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] General improvements to the display layout – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] Added proper selected and managed speed indication – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] Added V1 indication – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] Added proper speed bug behaviour when outside range (approach phase) – @MisterChocker (Len)
- [ECAM] Fixed thrust rating mode START in flight misbehavior – @MisterChocker (Leon)[CDU] Fixed wrong VLS calculation – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] Fixed wrong managed speed calculation on approach – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ECAM] Applied FADEC power logic to thrust rating mode and value – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ECAM] Implemented thrust rating mode indication and logic – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Added actual VLS and VApp calculation – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] Added actual F and S speed calculation for approach – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ENGINE] Improved engine performance – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [AERODYNAMICS] Improved overall flight performance – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [MISC] Redesigned Standby instrument, fixed pitch indication – @jakluk (Jakluk)
- [ECAM] Fixed LDG/TO memo showing at incorrect times – @MMontalto (PiCcy)
- [MISC] Fixed DECEL always show up on left button only – @jokey2k (JoKeY | Markus#0001 on discord)
- [ECAM] Engine bleed valve closes at N2 > 50% – @RichardPilbery (Richard Pilbery)
- [MODEL] Spinner spiral now shows at medium blur – @lukecologne (luke)
- [MFD] Weather Radar now sweeps at 180 degrees, Correct masking for flight path/constr/waypoints and display elements, disabled WX/TERR ON MD in PLAN – @2hwk (2Cas#1022)
- [ECAM] Added ECAM ALL button functionality – @MikeKuijper (Mike Kuijper)
- [ECAM] Fix thrust lever position indicator on upper ECAM – @RichardPilbery (Richard Pilbery | tricky_dicky3571 on discord)
- [ECAM] Adjusted Engine gauges so cursor extends beyond radius of gauge – @RichardPilbery (Richard Pilbery | tricky_dicky#3571 on discord)
- [ECAM] Fix ECAM N1 engine indicator – @RichardPilbery (Richard Pilbery | tricky_dicky#3571 on discord)
- [LIGHTS] Added logo lights only turn on while on ground or flaps are extented – @linkeleven (linkeleven#2557)
- [CDU] Add basic airways support based on code from WorkingTitle team – @santii90 (Santiago Vazquez), @Lessar277 (Lessar27)
- [TEXTURES] Changed cockpit decals resolution from 1k to 2k – @FoxinTale (Aubrey)
- [ECAM] Fix fuel used values on CRUISE and FUEL pages – @Lessar277 (Lessar27#1112)
- [MISC] Add localisation files for aircraft info when using other languages than english – @pessip (Pessi Päivärinne)
- [ATC] Fix CLR input for squawk code – @paul92ilm (Lussion)
- [TEXTURES] Fixed aft overhead circuit breaker decal from ‘LIGHTNING’ to ‘LIGHTING’ (@DarkOfNova#0001)
- [CAMERA] Modified a couple of the default interior camera angles. – @ZigTag (Falcon#5815), @linkeleven (linkeleven#2557)
- [CDU] Fix takeoff vspeed – @linkeleven (linkeleven#2557)
- [ECAM] Decimal font size change – @RichardPilbery (Richard Pilbery)
- [CDU] Add correct UI behavior and colors for airways page – @santii90 (Santiago Vazquez)
- [CDU] Add ability to clear MDA/DH, add input logic for both MDA/DH – @paul92ilm (Lussion)
- [CHECKLISTS] Fix FD check in Taxi checklist – @Acrobot (Andrzej Pomirski)
- [ADIRS] Fix ADIRS lights and split into three separate units – @devsnek (devsnek#0001)
- [ECAM] Fixed donut and AVAIL message on N1 display. Add highlight on N2 during engine start – @RichardPilbery (Richard Pilbery)
- [CDU] Fix MCDU not loading when starting midair – @ThatRedMelon (Daniel Brown)
- [FCU] Clamp the selected altitude between 100 and 49000 – @lars-reimann (Lars Reimann)
- [TEXTURES] added Registry plaque and improved Textures – @Pleasure0102 (Pleasure)
- [GPWS] Add minimums and 100above logic – @linkeleven (linkeleven#2557)
- [CDU] Flight plan waypoints distances and times are now properly displayed and updated – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [CDU] Improved DECEL waypoint data and position – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [TEXTURES] Changed cockpit font and fixed spelling errors – @FoxinTale (Aubrey)
- [AUTO BRK] Fixed autobrake disarm behavior to match real life. MAX can no longer be selected when the aircraft is in the air. @geoffda (Geoff Darst)
- [FCU] Remember selected pressure mode when returning from Std mode – @lhoenig (Lukas Hoenig)
- [TEXTURES] upgraded to 4k Textures (pedestal,throttle unit) fixed decal texture – @Pleasure0102 (Pleasure)
- [PFD] Added FMAs ALT CST and ALT CST* as well as CLB magenta and DES or CLB blue – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Added CFDS display test, ATSU METAR/TAF/ATIS requests, and ATSU free text – @wpine215 (Iceman), @nistei (Nistei), @Edwin B
- [CDU] Fixed error messages delete input – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Added input delay paging left/right and input 1-6L/1-6R – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [GPWS] Completely redone GPWS logic, and improve Retard call logic, prevent multiple calls playing at once – lukecologne (luke)
- [ECAM] Improve flaps/slats panel design on upper ECAM, improve flaps/slats transition logic – @paul92ilm (Lussion)
- [CDU] Allow inserting landing QNH in inHg – @pessip (Pessi Päivärinne)
- [Systems] GO-AROUND flight phase introduced
- [FMA] Improved and corrected FMA logic for autopilot connect/disconnect toggle during APPR mode, GO-AROUNDs, DH/MDA and other small tweaks – @antikythera288 mrmercury#8898 on discord)
- [FCU] Correct behaviour of APPR and LOC buttons when connecting/disconnecting AP – @antikythera288 (mrmercury#8898 on discord)
- [AUTOPILOT] fully managed GO-AROUND implemented aswell as correct FD’s for hand-flying the GO-AROUND (until missed approach paths are implemented, only via preselected HDG) – @antikythera288 (mrmercury#8898 on discord)
- [MCDU] added fully working GO-AROUND Page – @antikythera288 (mrmercury#8898 on discord)
- [CDU] Fix IRS coordinates always showing N/E – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [General] Added location reporting for the live map – @nistei (Nistei)
- [CDU] Init A now showing computed values and simulated computational delays – @lucky38i (Lucky38i)
- [CDU] Fuel Pred now showing computed values and refreshes when page is updating – @lucky38i (Lucky38i)
- [CDU] Add V1/VR/V2 logic and disagree message, fixed V1/VR/V2 minimum range – @paul92ilm (Lussion)
- [ECAM] Add T.O message category to upper ECAM – @paul92ilm (Lussion)
- [ECAM] Fix cabin vertical speed display to show feet/min – @MattPaxtonBel, @RichardPilbery
- [FCU] Fix altitude change when the increment is 1000 – @lars-reimann (Lars Reimann)
- [CDU] Improve LAT REV page layout – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [PFD] Improved PFD text readability – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ECAM] Added CABIN PRESS page – @nikotina91
- [ECAM] Add ELEC page – @ramon54321
- [ND] Improved flight path shape display – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [CDU] Rework duplicate waypoint names page – @pessip (Pessi Päivärinne)
- [ECAM] Fixed ELEV limits display on the F/CTL page – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [CDU] Fix missing preflight flight phase – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [CDU] Fix flight phase when spawning mid-air – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [CDU] Fixed autothrust targeting F or S speed on climb – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ND] Added altitude constraints in flight level based on the transition altitude provided in MCDU Take Off Performace @ilyeshammadi (Ilyes Hammadi)
- [CDU] Added TYPE I and TYPE II message types and handling – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ECAM] Fix cabin vertical speed unit – @MrMinimal (Tom Langwaldt)
- [CDU] Improved constraints recognition – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] Add altitude indicator alerts @ilyeshammadi (Ilyes Hammadi)
- [CDU] The precomputed values for ZFW/ZFWCG are now properly updated when the weight load parameters are changed – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [PFD] Improved speedband visuals – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ND] Add altitue constraint symbol and fix constraint circle color @ilyeshammadi (Ilyes Hammadi)
- [ECAM] Add COND page – @lcalaresu (Luc Calaresu), @highperformancedevelopments
- [CDU] Added check for dest data is set – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Ported system messages type II to actual type II – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ECAM] Implemented proper FWC flight phases – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [ECAM] Updated ECAM messages – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [CDU] New improved RADNAV page | Ability to tune navaids with identifier – @St54Kevin (Kevin Karas)
- [CDU] Corrected visuals for constraints on flight plan page – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ND] Add heading line to ARC and NAV map mode @ilyeshammadi (Ilyes Hammadi)
- [PFD] Add QNH flashing when reach transition altitude – @Kimbyeoungjang (김병장#7165)
- [ECAM] Added flight phase inhibit override to recall button – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [CDU] Changed FMGC constraint classification – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Added constraints symbols logic to flight plan – @ilyeshammadi (Ilyes Hammadi)
- [ECAM] Changed SAT and TAT values to green colour – @RichardPilbery (Richard Pilbery)
- [General] Improve ground handling, steering, and suspension – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [CDU] Added Airway Page airway to airway insert option – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [Sound] Improved PTU, flaps, and fuel pump sounds which are no longer heard in cockpit – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Sound] Improved and added new ground roll and touchdown sounds – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Sound] Improved ambient avionics fan sound, and added cabin fan sound – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Sound] Improved gear lever click sound – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Sound] Improved nose wheel liftoff sound – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Sound] Added new APU start contactor sounds – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Sound] Added new realistic LEAP-1A engine sounds – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Lights] Added Flood Lights – @Snapmatics (Harry)
- [Lights] Added Reading Lights – @Snapmatics (Harry)
- [Lights] Improved Screen Backlight – @Snapmatics (Harry)
- [Lights] Improved Exterior Lights – @Snapmatics (Harry)
- [Lights] Improved Interior Lights – @Snapmatics (Harry)
- [CDU] Improved input handling while a message is visible – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ND] Fix weather radar not showing after switching to plan view – @ilyeshammadi (Ilyes Hammadi)
- [Autopilot] Increase max bank angle from 20 to 25 – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [PFD] Fix ALT magenta in OP DES/CLB – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ECAM] Add G LOAD indication to lower ECAM – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [PFD] Added vR indication – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [MFD] Corrected icon for the Decel point on flightplan – @LoungeFlyZ (Chris Johnson)
- [ND] Update ND to only show Mode Changed when mode button is used – @ilyeshammadi (Ilyes Hammadi)
- [TCAS] Implement first iteration of TCAS – @lukecologne (luke)
- [ECAM] Temporary fix small word on lower ecam, status page – @Kimbyeongjang (김병장#7165)
- [ECAM] Add icing-related ECAM warnings and memos – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [CDU] Fix CLR position in scratchpad – @beheh (Benedict Etzel)
- [General] Added INIT BARO option, INHG/HPA/AUTO – @theomessin (Theodore Messinezis)
- [CDU] Improved key input delays – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [PFD] Changed S and F speeds data source – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ANIMATIONS] Desynced the wiper animations – @pepperoni505 (pepperoni505), @lukecologne (luke)
- [CDU] Added calculation for ground speed mini – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [FLIGHTMODEL] Changed rudder and vertical tail parameters for improved crosswind takeoff and landing capability – @donstim – (donbikes#4084)
- [FLIGHTMODEL] Changed full landing flap deflection from 35 degrees to 40 degrees – @donstim – (donbikes#4084)
- [FLIGHTMODEL] Updated legacy flight model parameters for consistency with modern flight model – @donstim – (donbikes#4084)
- [ECAM] Adjusted flaps panel – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] F-PLN page visual rework – @Lollo999 (Lorenzo Pinna)
- [Sound] Improved ground roll – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Sound] Added new heavy turbulence sounds different in cabin and cockpit – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [CDU] Added ground speed mini – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [MISC] Fix pedestal camera position triggering radio frequency display glitch – @pareil6 (pareil6)
- [FLIGHTMODEL] Corrected fuel tank capacities, including unusable fuel – @donstim – (donbikes#4084)
- [General] Added option to switch between KG and LBS – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Improved INIT-A PAGE transition to INIT-B or FUEL PRED PAGE – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [CDU] Improved Options Page – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [Sound] Replaced sounds for various switches, levers, and buttons – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [CDU] Added Soft GA Logic – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [ECAM] Improved Thrust Rating update condition – @MisterChocker (Leon)
- [OPTIONS] Added options entry to enable NO PORTABLE DEVICES memo – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [ECAM] Added REFUELG, OUTR TK XFRD, CABIN READY, FUEL X FEED, and ADIRS SWTG memos – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [ECAM] Added PACKS/NAI/WAI text indicator on upper ECAM – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [Engines] Reduced idle thrust at low Mach to improve descent rate – @donstim – (donbkes#4084)
- [CDU] Added SIMBRIEF integration, INIT REQUEST and AOC INIT/REVIEW – @viniciusfont (subcomandante)
- [CDU] Added PERF W&B page allowing to Refuel and change Payload from the MCDU – @viniciusfont (subcomandante)
- [General] Add – @nathaninnes (Nathan Innes)
- [ECAM] Improved Upper ECAM Visuals – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [TEXTURES] Changed roughness of glareshield – @Pleasure (Pleasure)
- [CDU] Fixed several issues related to incorrect active waypoints – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [CDU] Fixed a crash when trying to replace a waypoint in the flight plan – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [EXTERIOR] Fixed issue in engine rotation animation that made it rotate too quickly – @lukecologne (lukecologne)
- [PFD] Remove code related to unrelevant aircraft – @1Revenger1 (Avery Black)
- [ECAM] Lower ECAM DOOR Page Colour Fix – @nathaninnes (Nathan Innes)
- [ND] Add DME distances, VOR/ADF needles and functioning ADF2 – @blitzcaster (bltzcstr)
- [OVHD] Fixed Battery Indicator Colour – @nathaninnes (Nathan Innes)
- [MISC] Removed Fuel Patch from MSFS Update 1.8.3 – @nathaninnes (Nathan Innes)
- [ND] Change ND Sizing – @nathaninnes (Nathan Innes)
- [GPWS] Added Pull Up, Sink Rate, Dont sink GPWS with Default Sounds & Added (Too low) terrain, flaps and gear without Sounds (Future PR by Boris) – @oliverpope03 (Oliver Pope)
- [Sounds] Added new sounds for fuel pumps, flaps, ground roll and rattles, touchdowns, and wind – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [ND] Hide the aircraft indicator in PLAN mode while ADIRS are not aligned – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [LIGHTS] Improved Strobe, Nav and beacon lights – @lukecologne (lukecologne)
- [Sounds] Added new startup sounds – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [ECAM] ELAC/SEC warning color fix, added spoiler functionality to ECAM page – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [OVHD] Implemented missing functionality for multiple overhead buttons and switches – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [ECAM] Improved APU ECAM visuals – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [TEXTURES] Changed texture of glareshield and added details – @Pleasure0102 (Pleasure)
- [ECAM] Improved Fuel ECAM visuals and corrected center pump inconsistency – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [MISC] Separated Captian and F/O displays – @tyler58546 (tyler58546)
- [ECAM] Added engine FADEC power supply logic – @tyler58546 (tyler58546)
- [ECAM] Improved lower engine ECAM – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [CDU] Add “Closest Airports” page – @lhoenig (Lukas Hoenig)
- [PFD] Fixed FD bars appearing on PFD when on the ground – @Curtis-VL (Curtis)
- [CDU] Added IRS Init page – @externoak (Externo)
- [OVHD] Implement additional overhead button/switch functionality (EMER ELEC, EVAC, air data switching, etc.) – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [ECAM] Made open doors on DOOR/OXY page amber instead of green – @Benjozork (Benjamin Dupont)
- [PFD] Adjust vertical Flight Director offset – @veikkos (Veikko Soininen)
- [PFD] Fix Radio altimeter only updating every second – @lukecologne (luke)
- [Systems] Pitot heating should now be active while engines are running – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [TEXTURES] Higher resoloution Mainpanel, fixed glareshield texture error – @Pleasure0102 (Pleasure)
- [ECAM] Overhauled WHEEL Page – @Benjozork (Benjamin Dupont)
- [CDU] Add approach waypoints to DCT page – @lengyc0208 (lyc)
- [Sounds] Added 3D emitters for all sounds – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [Sounds] Added sounds for Evac horn, emer cabin call, mech horn, gear extend/retract, and cargo door – @hotshotp (Boris)
- [CDU] Revised blue, green and amber colors on CDU – @lucky38i (Lucky38i)
- [CDU] Revised INIT A & B Page – @lucky38i (Lucky38i)
- [CDU] Fixed certain STARs not showing on arrivals page – @tyler58546 (tyler58546)
- [CHECKLISTS] Added several situations from QRH to checklists – @FBI#7771
- [ECAM] Fix ECAM wheel page being selected before all gears are downlocked – @lukecologne (luke)
- [MISC] Added standby instrument brightness adjustment and attitude reset – @2hwk (2Cas#1022 on discord)
- [MISC] Added standby instrument bugs page and corrected standby instrument font and behaviour on power loss – @2hwk (2Cas#1022 on discord)
- [PFD] Added the ability to display metric altitudes – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [ECAM] Added messages related to anti-skid / N.W. steering being off – @Benjozork (Benjamin Dupont)
- [CDU] Updated HOLD Page to honeywell spec, PLAN page updated to show holds – @sepiroth887 (sepiroth887)
- [FCU] Fixed incrementing the QNH while in hPa mode – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [CDU] Follow Green Dot speed on approach with flaps clean – @veikkos (Veikko Soininen)
- [ND] Fixed cyan heading bug not showing on ND in VOR and LS modes – @AdenFlorian (David Valachovic)
- [CDU] Improved the VERT REV page – @lousybyte (lousybyte)
- [PFD] Correct PFD attitude indicator onground/inflight – @MMontalto (PiCcy)
- [ND] Added WX/TERR on ND brightness knob, fix ND/PFD brightness tooltips – @lukecologne (luke)
- [ECAM] Improved ECAM bleed page visuals and functionality – @nikotina91
- [LIGHTS] Fixed DIM/BRT Lights inside the cockpit. Overhead should now be visible. – @Snapmatics (Harry)
- [OVHD] Made AIR COND knobs continuous – @Benjozork (Benjamin Dupont)
- [DCDU] Add basic functionality and display – @Benjozork (Benjamin Dupont)
- [TEXTURES] Changed color of FD Panel.
- [MISC] New custom display font for PFD/ND/ECAM/MCDU. Overhauled formatting, CSS, and colors of ECAM pages – @wpine215 (Iceman)
- [TEXTURES] Fixed Speed Plaque and cleaned up texture on cockpit, some color corrections and more decals – @Pleasure0102 (Pleasure)
- [TEXTURES] Changed Overhead Panel Texture (Decals, color, detail) – @Pleasure0102 (Pleasure)
- [LIVERY] Bundle the FlyByWire Livery with the A32NX addon – @devsnek (devsnek)
- [ECAM] Added cockpit door video – @Benjozork (Benjamin Dupont)
- [MISC] Standby Instrument stays ON if emergency power should be available, bug fixes – @2hwk (2Cas#1022 on discord)
- [CDU] Full +/- button functionality – @lhoenig (Lukas Hoenig)
- [DCDU] Fixed MSG- and MSG+ button labels – @tyler58546 (tyler58546)
¹ - Não traduzi pois além de demorar muito tempo pela quantidade de itens, alguns deles não dá pra entender muito bem já que meu inglês é bem básico. Usem o google tradutor! Rsrs
Instalação e download:
Faça o download do mod Flybywire 0.5.0 abaixo e extraia para a pasta da comunidade MSFS ou, baixe o instalador Flybywire (recomendável). Dúvidas? Veja o vídeo abaixo para o procedimento!
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